
This is the minimum amount of sleep you should get every night

Each person adjusts how much sleep they need to function normally – some need a lot, others less, but scientists say you're more likely to develop symptoms of anxiety or depression if you sleep less than eight hours a night.

It's probably not the first time you've heard, but many studies have found that how important good sleep is for the functioning of the human body.

The latest degree from Binghamton University, in which they researched how much sleep you need at night to limit the onset of depression and anxiety, notes that you are likely to suffer from depression do you have anxiety if you sleep less than eight hours a night.

The researchers came to the conclusion that insufficient amount of sleep affects development negative intrusive thoughts, which disturb Life of a person. As they say, it is constant negative thinking the main reason for its formation various disorders, such as anxiety, depression

An insufficient amount of sleep affects the development of negative intrusive thoughts that disturb a person's life.
An insufficient amount of sleep affects the development of negative intrusive thoughts that disturb a person's life.

A similar study conducted on Georgia Southern University, she discovered that she should even one hour less sleep per night for 60 to 80 % increased probability, for a person to develop symptoms, such as depression, hopelessness, nervousness and feeling restless or stupid.

According to the data England's National Health Service one in three people suffer from bad sleep, associated with stress, working on the computer and a job. As they say, bad sleep causes health problems, including obesity, heart diseases and diabetes and shortens the lifespan.

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