
This is the most accurate horoscope in the world!

97% accuracy!

Photo: Sound on / Pexels

An ancient prophecy of Tibetan monks reveals everything about everyone! Find out who you are and who you are compatible with based on your year of birth.

Tibetan philosophy says that the year of birth can determine what kind of person we will be, but it also tells us a lot about what we were like in past lives, as well as which generation we can get along with and which we cannot.

Find your year of birth:

A monk – 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011
Hot sun – 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010
New moon – 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021
Black bull – 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020
Leather bracelet – 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019
Turtle – 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018
Gong – 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017
The Jade Pillar – 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016
The source – 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015
Guardian of fire – 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014
A cobra – 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013
Dragon – 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012

What awaits you in the future. Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

A monk

You are an open and cheerful person who easily wins people's hearts. Almost nothing can spoil your mood. You pay attention to others, their wants and needs, but you also like to argue from time to time. It's kind of food for your soul. In past lives, you were a prophet, a comedian, a traveling salesman, and a sort of ruler of a small community. Your lucky numbers are 13, 25 and 37. You like those born under the Guardian of Fire and Tortoise signs the most, but it is not recommended to get close to those born under the Spring sign.

Hot sun

You are someone who works decisively and precisely in stressful and difficult situations. Everyone can count on you and people just love your sense of humor. Your biggest fear is that someone will limit your freedom. In past lives, you have been a religious leader, hunter, counselor, merchant, and teacher. Your lucky numbers are 12, 24 and 36. You enjoy company with Cobras and those born under the sign of the Leather Bracelet, but you don't get along with Black Taurus.

People trust you. Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

New moon

There are two sides to your personality. During the day, you are sensitive, kind, eager for love, but as night approaches, you become more passionate and dynamic. That's why your partner loves you. In past lives, you've been a hit man, a detective, a doctor, the head of a secret society, a hunter, and an innkeeper. Your lucky numbers are 11, 23 and 34. You are most beautiful in the company of the Black Bull and another New Moon, but you do not understand those born under the sign of Gong.

Black bull

You don't like jerks in life, and if someone or something starts to twist and pull you, you immediately explode. It is important to say things directly, clearly and precisely. You like to dominate - in a relationship, at work and among friends, because you feel that you were born to lead, not to follow. In past lives, you were a politician, businessman, conductor and judge. Your lucky numbers are 10, 22 and 34. You get along best with the Dragon and the New Moon, but avoid the Hot Sun.

Leather bracelet

Everything about you is mysterious and unknown. You rarely get attached to someone, but when you do, it means you have strong feelings. You alternate periods of active life and increased social activities with periods in which you want to be alone.

You are happy. Photo: Sound on / Pexels

You do not like aggression, but you are prone to it if you need to protect yourself. In past lives, you've been on the edge of the law—an arms dealer, a treasure hunter, a gambler, as well as a diplomat and an alchemist. Your lucky numbers are 9, 21 and 33. You like the Hot Sun and the Cobra best, but Dragons bother you.


Bet on everything that is safe and smart. You can be incredibly stubborn when you plan something. You like tenderness in a relationship. You believe in common sense and therefore do not allow temptations to sway you. In past lives you were a mason, blacksmith, farmer and tailor. Your lucky numbers are 8, 20 and 32. You especially like to be around the Monk and Guardian of Fire, but never around the New Moon.


In three words, you are – generous, noble and loyal. You are a highly respected person who despises betrayal and adultery. You are ready to take the blame on yourself, even if there is no reason for it, because you think that you are responsible for the whole world. In past lives, you were an archaeologist, a sculptor, a shoemaker and a lawyer. Your lucky numbers are 7, 19 and 31. The Jade Pillar and the Fountain are your best company, so you should stay away from the New Moon.

The Jade Pillar

Violence makes you depressed, and everything unknown is difficult for you. You are a noble soul, you don't like noise and you like to be alone or in the company of loved ones. It is difficult to gain your trust, but when you fall in love, you are ready to sacrifice your life for love. In the past, you were a jeweler, a designer, an animal trainer. Your lucky numbers are 6, 18 and 30. The Gong and the Spring are your favorites and you are not compatible with the Guardian of Fire.

You like animals. Photo: Pug G / Pixabay

The source

You don't even know what cruelty is and you can't stand injustice and commercialism. You respect people's feelings and will never betray those who believe in you. You are dedicated and caring. In past lives you were a singer, musician, priest, diplomat and cloth merchant. Your lucky numbers are 5, 17 and 29. You are most compatible with Gong and Jade Pillar, while association with Monk is not recommended.

Guardian of fire

You regularly set high goals for yourself and feel incredibly guilty if you don't achieve them. You have many friends, but you often feel lonely. Your job is to be a light in a world of darkness, but not everyone can understand you. There are few people who really know what you stand for because you are talented and rich. In past lives you have been a doctor, herbalist, chef, researcher and scientist. Your lucky numbers are 4, 16 and 28. You are best matched with the Monk and the Tortoise, but not with the Jade Pillar and the Cobra.

You enjoy life. Photo: Becca Tapert/Unsplash

A cobra

You are a great speaker! You can surprise people with the most boring story. You can stir emotions in others, and if you use this talent correctly, success awaits you. Happiness in love will accompany you throughout your life. In past lives, you were a pirate, a monarch, a treasurer and a vegetable merchant. Your lucky numbers are 3, 15 and 27. You are best with the Leather Bracelet and the Hot Sun, while you don't get along well with the Fire Guardian.


You are unpredictable, one moment you are a fiery dragon, the next a colorful butterfly. You can rise above all problems and look at life differently. In a past life you were a painter, smuggler, messenger, poet and writer. Your lucky numbers are 2, 15 and 27. You get along well with the Black Bull and the Jade Pillar, but not at all with the Leather Bracelet.

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