
This is the most expensive coffee in the world, which will cost you $1,500

Photo: envato

We would pay a lot for coffee in the morning, so no amount would be too much for us, even if it was the most expensive coffee in the world. But too much is still too much.

Beware, this is the most expensive coffee in the world. A cup of coffee usually costs around five dollars, depending on the type of coffee. What if we told you that you could shell out up to $1,500 for coffee?

V Brew Lab Cafe you can order the world's most expensive coffee in Penrith, Western Sydney. For a cup of one of the coffees on their list, you will shell out 1,500 Australian dollars (935 euros). The way to said coffee it's not easy. To begin with, it needs to be ordered two weeks in advance so that the coffee beans from Panama arrive in Australia on time. They are grown and fried on the slopes of the volcano in Silla De Pando, which is located near the border of Panama and Costa Rica, at 1,700 meters above sea level.

The owner of the bar, Mitch Johnson, told the Daily Mail about the speciality of the coffee for just under a thousand euros:

Most people say that their first impression when drinking it is more like tea than coffee. According to the Specialty Coffee Association, the coffee has a rating of over 90, making it one of the best rated in the world. Any coffee that receives a score above 80 by qualified assessors is considered a specialty

He added that the coffee is served as a topping and not through an espresso machine, which means that the coffee filter must be pre-moistened and water heated to exactly 94 degrees must be used. The water is then gently poured over the coffee at specific time intervals so that it does not spoil the taste. Only after this long process is the coffee served to the guest.

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