
This is the real reason why we women love toxic and emotionally immature men!

Did you know that falling in love activates the same brain centers as drug addiction?

When you fall for a toxic man, you fall in love with him – emotionally, mentally, physically and even hormonally. He is also addicted, but not to you, but to the desire to get you addicted, to fall under his influence of mood swings. Rejection hurts, literally, and it's no surprise that your brain centers mirror your pain in different ways.

Have you ever wondered why you couldn't do it? release persons, which caused you insecurity and pain? She got you hooked, didn't she?

If you know what a toxic partner triggers in your brain, you may be able to separate the toxic from the good men sooner.

He succeeded, he turned your world upside down.
He succeeded, he turned your world upside down.

What hormones make you strong a cocktail of attachment to a toxic person?


Positive experiences such as memorable dates, excessive attention, flattery, sex, gifts and romantic gestures release dopamine in the brain. It is a neurotransmitter that controls pleasure and plays a central role in the brain in the feeling of pleasure. Dopamine makes you euphoric at times, it would turn the world upside down. Focus on the smallest details of the new relationship increases.

At the same time, it is a substance that is released when cocaine is consumed, so some researchers they say ending a relationship is like quitting a drug.

A toxic partner's inability to give you what you need drains you yearning after love, and you keep hoping and investing in the relationship... just like a gambler in a casino hoping to win.

Did you know that when you don't know when you'll see someone again because they're giving you mixed signals, that person becomes much more attractive to your brain?

A friendly man who does not resort to manipulative actions is less likable to the brain than a toxic man who has a warm-cold attitude towards you. In other words, our brains can become masochists, who seek out those people who harm them.

The brain gets used to good behavior from good men and thus stops releasing large amounts of dopamine. Therefore, in healthy relationships you become used to on security and you may find your partner less exciting.

How to resist the effect of dopamine? Don't make new memories with a man who only offers you satisfaction through pain!


This is the hormone we also know by name the love hormone. It is released into the blood during sexual intercourse. It makes you feel happiness, connectedness, love, pleasure, relaxation, belonging, reduction of fear. But it also encourages jealousy and other negative emotions.

It is the hormone that binds mother and child at birth, but also binds women to men who exploit them. Oxytocin promotes not only attachment but also trust. That's why still you blindly trust to a toxic partner even after cheating. Research he says, if you don't know whether to trust or not, ask oxytocin.

Testosterone counteracts the calming effects of oxytocin; on the one hand, it increases sexual desire and desire, and on the other, aggressive behavior. It encourages following or pursuing the person you are in love with, makes you try to get what you like.

Sadly, you are addicted to bad relationships more than good ones.
Sadly, you are more addicted to bad relationships than good ones.

Cortisol, adrenaline and norepinephrine

Toxic partners trigger an increase in your levels of cortisol, adrenaline and norepinephrine, which regulate your stress response.

Norepinephrine directs your attention to the person you desire and leads to feelings of euphoria, which makes you sleep worse and remember the smallest details about your new partner.

Adrenaline and norepinephrine are responsible for flushing, sweating, palpitations and restlessness. If a fresh relationship ends, it leads to feelings of depression and defeat.

Research According to Christopher Bergland, oxytocin, adrenaline, and cortisol work together to both solidify and change fear-based memories. Therefore, your fears and anxieties about being interrupted by a toxic partner make the memories of him even more vivid and even harder to get rid of.

You are more addicted to bad relationships than to good ones. Fear and pleasure are inevitably intertwined.


Research he says that because of serotonin, the person stays in your head and keeps appearing in front of your eyes. When in love, serotonin levels are lower (similar to obsessive-compulsive disorder), making it difficult to focus on anything other than your partner.

Due to the decrease in serotonin, you often experience anxiety, irritability, fatigue, lack of energy and negative thinking.

Serotonin also activates the experience of happiness and stimulates your activity to be full of life. You are so excited when you receive a message, you are waiting impatiently to a phone call or drawing castles in the clouds.

Toxic men tend to take control of your brain with their unpredictable behavior and love bombing. With the help of hormones you develop irrational desire according to them. The key to recovering from an addiction to men like this is to replace that unhealthy addiction with emotionally mature men, which really make you happy.

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