
This is the right time to wash your face - and it's not right before bed

This is the right time to wash your face, and it's not right before bed

After years of fighting your inner 'lazy demons', you finally managed to break the habit of sleeping with make-up on. You have also found a suitable cleanser for your skin, micellar water and cream are also suitable for you. But it all goes to waste, because there is a rule when you should wash your face if you want to achieve a good effect on your skin. You probably also clean your face right before bed? Error.

After to a long day full of obligations, you probably are too in the evening you afford bath or a warm shower, then you can face and se you go to bed. Commendable, but one thing you are doing it wrongface you should to wash before.

When? As soon as the first rays of the sun appear.

As your body is used to certain rhythm and has its own internal clock, is yours too the skin used to, that in in the evenings he goes for a well-deserved rest – this means that v at night, it was harder for new cells to be created and old ones to die, experts say.

You should wash your face as soon as the first rays of the sun appear.
You should wash your face as soon as the first rays of the sun appear.

Cleaning skin in the morning when they show up first sun rays, which also they communicate, that it is time to let's wake up, according to the opinion researchers with Center for Genomic Regulation was consistent with ours internal clock. Cleaned skin should be thus protected from aging and injuries.

Of course, that doesn't mean yes you need to ditch your evening routine, rather experts recommend that you use creams that contain retinol, vitamin A, and serums, which are supposed to help, yes active molecules penetrate deeper into the skin.

Your beauty sleep will take on new dimensions!
Your beauty sleep will take on new dimensions!

Yours it will be a beauty sleep got new ones dimensions!

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