
This is the Tesla that Kanye West drives

Platinum Motorsport Pantone Matte Silver Tesla S

Apparently, the factory color range for the Tesla S wasn't good enough for Kanye West's taste. Because of this, he came up with a completely unique color and turned his Tesla into something absolutely beautiful.

Tesla offers quite a few color options for the S model. But among all the colors on offer, none of them convinced the world-famous husband of Kim Kardashian enough to dare to appear in public with it. They came to his aid in Los Angeles at the company Platinum Motorsport, which is engaged in the processing of all types of luxury cars. Tesla S with title Pantone Matte Silver it is a real feast for the eyes, and the matte silver color matches the color of the rims to the last detail.

Platinum Motorsport Pantone Matte Silver Tesla S
Platinum Motorsport Pantone Matte Silver Tesla S

Unfortunately, no information is available on the power of the Tesla S driven by Kanye Weest and his wife Kim. We're guessing they didn't settle for anything less than the most powerful model Tesla S P100D. If Kanye 'burned out' as a fashion designer in the eyes of fashion critics, he proved his sense of aesthetics by choosing the color for his new Tesla. Matt silver color The Tesla S fits so well that it could easily be classified as one of the factory options. Maybe Tesla will just recognize the hidden talent of Kanye West and we will start to see more and more 'reflective' painted Teslas on the road.

Platinum Motorsport Pantone Matte Silver Tesla S
Platinum Motorsport Pantone Matte Silver Tesla S

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