
This is true love: never settle for less

Photo: Clay Banks/Unsplash

Love is built from values - love, respect, trust. The man who will offer all this to you (and you to him) is the one who will say these words to you. He will love you in all your imperfection.

His love will not be perfect because he will not be perfect either. He will forget things, he won't call you even though he said he would. He will say the wrong words because he is only human, but he will always make you feel that he loves you.

It is true, he will forget things, but not on purpose, but because there is so much going on in life. He will make mistakes, but he will learn from them and try to do better next time.

He will say the wrong words, simply because sometimes he doesn't know what to say to make you feel better. He will just want to be there – to hold your hand, to comfort you, to listen.

He will always be by your side and respect and love you like no one else ever will.

He will remember the little things that make you smile and will do whatever it takes to make you happy. It will support you when you feel like you can conquer the world and comfort you when you fall from the clouds back to the real ground.

He believes in your dreams and will encourage you not to give up when things don't go your way.

He will love all your imperfect parts because they are perfect for him.

Photo: Devon Divine/Unsplash

He will never leave you feeling insecure about your relationship. He will love you with all his heart because he knows you deserve everything he has.

He will cherish you as if you were his greatest treasure. He will open all the drawers of your heart that you didn't know existed before His love, and He will make you feel things you have never felt before.

He will show you how much you mean to him every day. He will not force or force you to do anything.

He won't give you mixed signals, he won't play games, and he will never take advantage of your love. He will show you his love through words and actions.

He will get to know you better than you know yourself and will be the reason for your smile. He will love you the way you deserve to be loved. He will love you with all his heart just for being you. His imperfectly perfect person.

He is not and never will be perfect, but he will be perfect for you, and you will be perfect for him. He will never leave you because you have found a home in his heart.

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