
This is what your man wants! 4 men's emotional needs that women often forget!

You are your man's wishes! He wants that!

Photo: envato

There are many needs that men have, but women forget about, which in most cases leads to misunderstandings even between couples who have been in a relationship for a long time. What does every man really want in a relationship?

When it comes to emotional needs in a relationship, these distinguish between men and women. And even if it's hard to generalize and throw all men in the same basket, there are some emotional needs and little things that most men expect from their partners, but women often forget about them.

It is precisely because of such little things that couples, even those who have been in a relationship for a long time, start a discussion that they must resolve. WITH CONVERSATION!
If you want to have a happy and satisfied man by your side, you should pay attention to his needs, which once again prove that the women of venus, and the man is from Mars!

4 emotional needs of your partner that you often forget about:

1. Give him space and privacy.

You've probably heard from your friends that their partner wants their own space. And you have proof before your eyes that this is happening it's not just happening to you, but to almost every woman. Just as you need your space, so does your partner. Everyone needs time to focus on themselves, their needs and desires.
There is no need to suffocate each other with your omnipresence, as separation can be extremely healthy. This is a moment when you can reflect on yourself, your relationship, and realize how much you really love each other.

Give him space and privacy.
Give him space and privacy.

2. Take the initiative too.

If you've been dating for a while, it makes no sense to wait for him to make the first move in every situation. They know each other, which means there's no reason why you shouldn't take the initiative at some point and show your partner that you're not alone in the relationship, but that you care too.

3. Show that you appreciate his efforts.

There is a misconception that men don't want to put effort into a relationship and are supposed to act like they don't care. This is of course not true! If your partner really loves you, he will do everything to improve your relationship. And he'll enjoy you showing appreciation for his zeal.
Start from yourself and your feelings - you are not immune to gratitude either, so surprise your man here and there with a smile, a passionate kiss and tell him that you thank him for being by your side.

Don't change it.
Don't change it.

4. Don't change it.

He was your choice, which is what it is. If you loved him the way he is, with all his virtues and flaws, there's no need to change him, because that means you want ANOTHER PERSON by your side.
This kind of thinking can really hurt your partner's feelings.

5. Respect yourself. Love yourself.

Men respond much better to women who respect themselves and love themselves. Because that's how you show him what kind of treatment you deserve... and he'll treat you that way, too. By showing him that you have self-respect and take care of yourself, you will teach him what your standards are and how you want him to treat you.

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