
This little thing can completely turn a man off in a relationship: What will he never tolerate in a woman?

According to his zodiac sign

Photo: envato

Love is a wonderful and fulfilling feeling, but relationships are often more complicated than we imagine. In the beginning of the relationship, everything is rosy, but eventually there are challenges that we have to overcome. While some couples grow stronger through these challenges, others find that there are boundaries they simply cannot cross. How do men deal with it?

Each of us has something that we could not tolerate in a relationship - or it is about infidelity, emotional neglect or simple disrespect.

Each astrological sign has its own quirks and feelings about what is unacceptable in love. While some men will always demand loyalty, others will expect respect or open communication.

Do you ever wonder where your partner's boundaries are? What can distract him and what means the most to him in a relationship? Discover how his astrological sign affects his limits in love.


A man born under the sign of Aries is extremely proud and confident. I would never put up with the feeling that you don't appreciate him enough. If you don't give him the necessary attention and put him first, he will quickly lose interest. He needs to feel that you respect him and that you want him in your life.


Tauruses are extremely loyal and expect the same from their partners. The greatest inadmissibility for him is infidelity. If he senses you're cheating on him or even just doubts your loyalty, he'll back off without a second thought. Trust means everything to him, and once that trust is lost, there is no going back.

Photo: envato


Geminis are known for their exceptional intuition and ability to spot a lie before you tell it. If you try to lie to your twin, he will see it as an angle an attack on his intelligence. Honesty is key for him, and if you try to deceive him, the relationship will quickly fall apart.


Cancers are emotional creatures who need constant reassurance of love and affection. If you will emotionally neglected, it will be unbearable for him. This man needs to know that you love him, and he expects open feelings. If you are not a person who expresses your feelings easily, a relationship with him will be full of challenges.


Lions need respect, and while they don't demand that you treat them like royalty, they will take any form of disrespect as a personal insult. Leo is proud and self-confident, so he will quickly end the relationship if he feels that you do not respect him enough.

A virgin

A Virgo man is organized and has clearly defined goals. He expects his partner to have a similar attitude. If he perceives you as immature or a confused individual without clearly defined goals will lose interest. He needs stability and a trustworthy partner.

Photo: envato


Libras do not like pressure and coercion. If you're going to tempt him to push or forcing him to make decisions, it will be too much pressure for him. Libras need their time to make decisions, and they expect you to understand that.


Scorpios are known for their loyalty and expect the same from their partner. Infidelity is the worst offense for him. He needs to know that you are completely devoted to him and that he can rely on you in all circumstances.


Sagittarians will not tolerate for long a relationship in which you are not ready to put effort. If you are passive or show no interest in the relationship, he will quickly give up. This man expects both of you to contribute equally to your relationship.


Capricorns don't like playing mind games. If he feels that you are playing with him or that you are not sincere, it will be the end of the relationship for him. Capricorn needs a partner who will discovered and honest in all situations.

Photo: envato


Aquarians value open communication. If you try to manipulate him or punish him with by ignoring it, will quickly lose interest. Aquarius appreciates open conversations where both can clearly express their feelings and emotions.


It is for a man under the sign of Pisces confidence the foundation of every relationship. If he cannot trust that you will always stand by him and support him, the relationship will fail. He needs a sense of security and loyalty in a relationship.

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