
This Airbnb discount awaits you in the Scottish Highlands

Airship 002

Have you tried Airbnb yet? If your answer to this question is no, then it is time to decide to rent the accommodation offered by this platform. To begin with, we recommend a place to stay in the middle of unspoilt nature.

Airship 002 is a home that is at first glance similar to a submarine, but it is found on a Scottish island Mull. The area that is part of Scottish Highlands, is very sparsely populated, and it impresses visitors mainly with high mountains, green areas and calm lakes.

An abode where you can settle in while you explore the beautiful landscape was designed by an architecture firm Roderick James Architects. The unique building is almost entirely made of aluminum. Its western wing offers an exceptional view of the peninsula Ardnamurchan and Atlantic Ocean, while from the eastern wing tourists can see the sea strait Sound of Mull and a small town Tobermory. It is also available to guests kitchen, which looks like a cross between an American and a ship's kitchen.

We are sure that AirShip 002 guarantees an unforgettable vacation in unspoiled nature. If you think so too, you can on the website Airbnb in the selected period accommodation, the price of which is from 169 euros per night ahead, you also book.

Gallery – AirShip 002

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