
This summer, embrace your body as it is: 5 simple ways to have a confident summer

Photo: envato

Summer is a time when many of us worry about our bodies and compare ourselves to others. On the beach, by the pool or while browsing social networks, we are faced with perfect images that often fill us with doubts and insecurities. But summer should be a time to relax, be happy and enjoy every moment, not a time to stress about your appearance. So how can we accept our bodies as they are this summer?

Accepting your body as it is, it is not easy and requires time, effort and patience. However, it is vital to your well-being and happiness. This summer, take time for yourself, disconnect from negative influences, be grateful for your body, be kind to yourself, emphasize the positive and set healthy boundaries. Remember that your body is beautiful and deserves love and respect. Take it as it is and enjoy every moment summers without stress and uncertainty.

1. Get away from social media

Social networks they are full of perfect photos, often the result of editing, filters and carefully chosen angles. Comparison with these unreal images it can have a huge impact on your self-esteem. Disconnect from social media or at least limit your time on it. Instead, spend more time on activities that make you happy and give you a sense of fulfillment. Read books, go for a walk, spend time with family and friends. You will find that life without constantly checking news and photos on social media is much less stressful and more fulfilling.

Photo: Pantzis/Unsplash

2. Be grateful for your body

Every body is unique and amazing. Every day, our body supports us in countless activities – from breathing to walking, laughing and hugging loved ones. Start focusing on what your body can do instead of how it looks. Take a moment every day to yes thank your body for everything it gives you. Gratitude can have a profound effect on how you feel about your body and improve your self-esteem. When you start appreciating your body for its functions and not just its appearance, you will find that your body perception changes for the better.

3. Be kind to yourself

Self-criticism can destroy your confidence. Instead of focusing on your mistakes or shortcomings, be kind to yourself. When you find yourself in a moment of negative thoughts about your body, stop and ask yourself if you would say that to a friend. Probably not. Be your own best friend. Speak words of encouragement to yourself and encourage yourself as you would encourage others. Being kind to yourself also includes taking care of your body – pay attention to your needs, be gentle with yourself and allow yourself moments of rest and relaxation.

4. Emphasize the positive

Instead of focusing on the body parts you're not happy with, start emphasizing the ones you love. Do you have beautiful eyes? A beautiful smile? Strong legs? Focus on these positive qualities. You are every day take a moment and find something beautiful about yourself. This can also include taking care of your body - wearing clothes that make you feel comfortable and confident, and treating yourself to something you like. When you start focus on the positive aspects of your body, you will gradually begin to notice less negative and more beautiful.

Photo: Mikhail/Pexels

5. Set boundaries, don't build a wall around yourself

It's important to protect yourself from negative influences, but that doesn't mean you have to isolate yourself completely. Set boundaries about who and what can influence your self-image. Surround yourself with people who support and encourage you. Learn to say "no" to situations or people that make you uncomfortable or unhappy. But don't build a wall around yourself - be open to love, support and positive relationships. Strong and healthy boundaries will help you maintain your sense of self-worth and allow you to stay true to yourself.

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