
This train in China runs right through apartments

No, your eyes are not deceiving you. This is a real train passing through a real apartment building. And on purpose. This is Chongqing Rail Transit No. 2, a railway line in China. It also passes through a 19-story residential building, where the train passes every day.

The train is part of the transport system in Chongqing, a city in southwest China that has approx 49 million inhabitants. In order to avoid congestion, they had to find an efficient solution. So they got to the train that has smaller turning radius and excellent climbing skills, which means it can move like this through smaller streets as well as through the greater crowd. So when they planned a new housing complex, they designed it in such a way that this train can also run through it.

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In China, a train runs right through apartments.
In China, the train runs right past apartments.

According to People's Daily, they even built railway station in sixth and seventh floors residential complex. Residents can thus literally jump on the train right in their own block. If you thought the residents of this complex were living a nightmare, you're wrong: this train is one of the quietest. How quiet? About that like a dishwasher.

The noise of this train is equal to the noise of a dishwasher.
The noise of this train is equal to the noise of a dishwasher.

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