
This trick will help you fall asleep more easily

When we lie down in our bed in the evening after a tiring day, we want to fall asleep as soon as possible. Unfortunately, sometimes this is not possible. We often start thinking about different things just when it is least necessary.

New research published in the journal Journal of Experimental Psychology, revealed the solution. Finally, we will be able to fall asleep without any problems.

Before we go to bed, we have to write a list of things we have to do the next day. This will help our brain to stop working and thus allow us to fall asleep earlier.

Can't fall asleep?
Can't fall asleep?

The researchers divided the people who participated in the experiment into two groups. The first one had to write on a piece of paper before going to sleep to-do list for the next day, and the other achievements of the previous day.

Test subjects from the first group are average fell asleep 9 minutes earlier as test subjects from another group.
It was also noticed that the people who wrote the most comprehensive to-do lists for the next day, fall asleep as soon as possible.

Before going to bed, write a to-do list for the next day.
Before going to bed, write a to-do list for the next day.

By writing tasks down instead of thinking about them, we commit them to memory and there is no danger of forgetting them. This will also help reduce stress levels, and above all, it will allow our brains to focus on sleep.

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