
This is not how to prepare zucchini: Key mistakes that you are probably making too

Photo: envato

Do you like zucchini? Are you preparing them correctly?

How many times has it happened to you that your gourds were too soft, tasteless or even too watery? Such mistakes can quickly spoil an otherwise excellent dish and reduce the enjoyment of the meal.

Originally cultivated in Central America, today they are indispensable in many world cuisines, especially the Mediterranean, where they are found in dishes such as ratatouille, parmigiana and stuffed zucchini. In addition, zucchini are also great for experimenting in the kitchen - you can bake, roast, steam, stuff, or we eat them raw. The possibilities are almost endless, which makes them even more appealing to culinary enthusiasts.

Due to the simplicity of the preparation, we often neglect important details that can significantly affect the final result.

Mistakes people make when preparing zucchini

How do you prepare zucchini? Photo: Pixabay

1. Wrong choice of flasks

The first mistake that people often make is the wrong choice of zucchini. When buying, pay attention to the size and color. Smaller gourds tend to be more tender and have fewer seeds, while larger ones can be more watery and have harder seeds. Ideal zucchini are medium-sized, light green in color and without visible damage.

2. Improper storage

It is best to store them in the refrigerator, in the vegetable drawer, where they will stay fresh for up to a week. If you leave them at room temperature, they can spoil quickly.

3. Improperly prepared zucchini

Preparing zucchini requires a little more attention than just cutting and cooking. Zucchini contains a lot of water, so it is necessary to prepare them properly so that they do not become watery. One technique is to salt grated zucchini and let it drain to remove excess water. After 15-20 minutes, rinse them and dry them with a paper towel.

4. Boiling the zucchini

Zucchini are very sensitive to cooking. Overcooking can lead to a soft and mushy texture that is not pleasant. Zucchini is best cooked quickly and at a high temperature. Baking or quick grilling are great methods to preserve their crispness and flavor.

Do you cut them thin or thick? Photo: Pixabay

5. Lack of spices

Zucchini has a delicate taste that should be emphasized with spices and herbs. Many people make the mistake of not seasoning the zucchini enough, which leads to a neutral and boring taste. Don't be afraid to use fresh herbs, garlic, lemon juice, salt and pepper to add flavor.

6. The wrong combination of dishes

Zucchini is versatile and pairs well with a variety of ingredients. However, the wrong combination of dishes can overshadow their taste. Zucchini goes well with light proteins such as fish and chicken, as well as with pasta or rice. Avoid heavy sauces that can overpower the flavor of the zucchini.

7. Using too much oil

Zucchini absorbs oil quickly, so be careful when using it. Too much oil can make a dish greasy and heavy. Use a minimal amount of oil when baking or roasting and add a little more during cooking if needed.

Proper preparation is key. Photo: Pixabay

8. Neglecting different methods of preparation

Zucchini is not only suitable for roasting or cooking. Try different preparation methods such as baking in the oven, grilling or even raw in salads. They are an excellent alternative to pasta and are extremely popular in low-calorie dishes.

9. Improper cutting

Cutting zucchini properly can affect texture and even cooking. Cut the zucchini into even slices or pieces so that they are evenly distributed they sleep. Thicker cuts take longer to cook, so pay attention to the size of the slices.

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