
This website sells you photos that you can use to "fake" your life

Surely it has happened to you at some point that when you look at your friend's profile on a social network, you feel a bit of envy. This is completely normal, everyone probably wants to enjoy the beach more than going to work.

Web page Lifefaker will from now on make your suffering while 'scrolling' through Instagram a little less excruciating. Many have already named her 'life fake service', because it sells people photos that can be used to convince followers that they are somewhere completely different.

Recordings can be purchased as part of special packages, such as "Look At My Holiday and Cry", "I Found Love and Babies" and "My Weekend Was Amazing Thanks".

Convince your friends that you are enjoying your vacation.
Convince your friends that you are enjoying your vacation.

As you may have guessed, Lifefaker is just a parody. A startup company Sanctus wants to use it to draw attention to negative effects of social media, which have a negative impact on mental health. Users of Instagram, Facebook and other related websites are constantly comparing themselves to the people they follow.

James Routhledge, founder of Sanctus, warns that we need to start paying more attention to mental health. He believes that it can be perceived in the same way as physical health.

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