
It will be the biggest football stadium in the world, it will be in China!

In China, specifically in Guangzhou, they started the construction of a huge football stadium that will be able to host more than 100,000 spectators.

The project of building a bržkone the largest football stadium in the world continues despite the Covid-19 pandemic, and the stadium is expected to be open in 2022. When completed, it will therefore be one of the largest football stadiums in the world, surpassing even the Camp Nou in Barcelona, which is currently undergoing renovation.

A stadium that will serve as a home Guangzhou Evergrande football team, designed by Hasan A. Syed and financed by real estate developer Evergrande Group. Finally, the design chosen among all the competing schemes resembles the shape of a lotus flower, which alludes to the reputation of the city of Guangzhou as the "city of flowers".

The project is part of China's plans to improve the country's football "infrastructure" and to become competitive on the international stage. Among other things, the development team has announced that it will build an additional three to five football stadiums across the country, all of which will be able to accommodate between 80,000 and 100,000 spectators.

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