
Those who are always cold, beware! This year, a 'nose cap' will keep you warm

Nose cap

The real winter has not yet arrived, but the morning reminds us every time again that the temperature drops sharply as the days go by. It's almost time to check your closet and make sure you're ready for the winter days. Fluffy coat, gloves, hat, scarf... Looks like you're pretty much covered... except of course for the part of your body that sticks out from under your warm clothes every year and is the reddest - your nose. What to do with it?

You know how it is, when winter knocks on the door. All chic fashion pieces and combinations, which you prepared for winter, they can only go to forget, because, believe me, heat first, when he performs the most 'bad time' in the year. A thick coat, socks, hats, scarves and gloves they become best friends who hug you warmly until April, when winter slowly says goodbye they cover every part of the body that could be exposed to icy snowflakes and wind. But why do we forget one part of the body every year – the nose, which is always red colors as in a fawn Rudolph and Mrs we cannot insure in any way?

Probably because because no one has ever thought of creating a 'nose cap', which will protect this most exposed part bodies. Company Nosewarmer, based in the United Kingdom, decided to production of nose caps in various styles and colors, which may become essential accessory for this winter.

Founder Sally Steel-Jones realized this idea already in 2009 - at that time she only wore a nose cap at home, but people obviously liked her idea, because the product is now sold worldwide. The cap on the nose might look real stupid, but it's up to you to choose whether it will this year, fashion outweighed warmth.

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