
Three cheeky ways to wrap presents to impress your friends

Unwrapping Christmas presents awakens nostalgia in us, as it reminds us of our childhood years. The moments before we get our hands on the surprise are special both for us and for the giver. But if you want to trick your friends at least a little, wrap the gift by giving them a difficult task. You know they deserve...

have you been thinking how to extend the time of unwrapping the gift? We have some great suggestions for you, with which you will honestly make life miserable for your loved ones.

Here are three ways to wrap presents that will cause a lot of gray hair for your friend:

  1. Surround the box with a network of cable ties. If the recipient wants to discover what is hidden in the gift, he will first have to cut the compact cords with pliers.
  2. Pour into a plastic container concrete mix, in the middle of which place a gift. Then wait overnight for the substance to harden. The friend will face a difficult task - if he wants to get to the gift, he will have to break the concrete with a hammer.
  3. You can also 'decorate' gifts with short pieces insulating tape. To make unwinding a little more difficult, use decorative adhesive tape.

The described gift wrapping procedures are clearly presented in the video below.

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