
TieFie - a tie that doubles as a portable wireless access point

TieFi - tie as a W-Fi access point

Children are spending less and less time with their parents because of modern devices, so anything that encourages children to bond with their parents would be beneficial for them. Emotionally and physically. Faced with this fact, the Canadian agency Grip Limited came up with an interesting idea that would bring children closer to their parents. The TieFi tie, which is also a portable wireless access point.

TieFie is a tie that is also portable wireless access point. And for the sake of open source software (instructions and code are available here: tiefi.ca) you can upgrade just about any tie into a TieFie tie. It is formed by hidden mini wireless router, open source software and access point.

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The Wi-FI signal range of the TieFi tie is relatively short. But with a reason.
The Wi-FI signal range of the TieFi tie is relatively short. But with a reason.

And where is the connection between children and parents? Children are today dependent on smartphones and the Internet. And if the parent has the power to offer them a connection in their immediate vicinity, they may stick around for longer. Of course, the junior has to stay for that relatively close, otherwise the connection is lost - wireless and "human". Let someone else say that children can survive without their parents!

Any tie can be a TieFi tie.
Any tie can be a TieFi tie.

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