
Time under the sheets: How long should it take to be just right for both of you?

Photo: envato

When it comes to intimate moments, sometimes it's better to leave the watch aside. If you pay too much attention to the pointers, you risk ruining all the magic under the sheets. Intimacy should be about pleasure and connection, not time records.

Have you ever wondered how long the perfect moment of intimacy should last? Ah, it's one of those questions that has as many answers as there are people on this planet. Some swear by marathon sessions, while others love fast and passionate moments. Well, if you've ever thought there was some universal timer here that could tell you how long you need to be completely satisfied, let us disappoint you - there isn't.

What does science say?

Let's look at the scientific facts first. Research shows that the average time for men to climax is around 5-6 minutes. For women, the story is a bit different – on average, they need around 13 minutes to climax. But these numbers are just statistics. Each person is unique and time limits can vary greatly.

Photo: envato

The psyche is the most important

Think of intimacy as a good dance. It doesn't matter how long it takes, but how well the partners get along. The key to success is relaxation and mutual trust. If you are constantly under pressure to meet a certain time limit, you lose the essence of the moment. Intimacy should be magical and spontaneous, not carefully planned.

How to find the right rhythm?

You find the right rhythm through experimentation and communication. You may be fine with short, passionate moments, or you may prefer to enjoy long, romantic sessions. The key is to adapt to each other and allow yourself to be spontaneous. As with any good recipe, a little tweaking here and there works wonders.

  • Forget the clock: Focus on feeling and connection, not seconds and minutes.
  • Communication: Be open and honest about your wants and needs. This will increase satisfaction for both of you.
  • Diversity: Spice up your moments with different approaches and lengths. Routine is the enemy of passion.
Photo: envato

The perfect moment of intimacy is a matter of feeling, not a timer. Make quality, not quantity, important to you. Forget minutes and seconds and indulge in pleasure and connection with your partner. Enjoy every moment and make the experience unforgettable for both of you.

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