
Xmas3 & Xmas: wooden Christmas tree and handmade decorations from Slovenia

Christmas tree and decorations Xmas3 & Xmas

The first days of December are approaching and with them a magical festive atmosphere. The environmentally friendly Xmas3 Christmas tree and Xmas decorations, made in harmony with nature and with responsibility towards the environment, tradition and artisans, will conjure up this for us at home.

You too can't wait to set up at home Christmas tree and decorate it with magical holiday decorations decorations? This year, you can conjure up a magical festive atmosphere with Slovenian design - timeless, innovative and environmentally friendly Christmas trees Xmas3 and Xmas holiday decorations, who seek inspiration in Slovenian tradition and craftsmanship.

Christmas tree and decorations Xmas3 & Xmas
Christmas tree and decorations Xmas3 & Xmas

Under the brands Xmas3 and Xmas we find top quality products that connect Slovenian tradition, Slovenian artists and craftsmen and hand in hand they co-create another successful story of Slovenian design. The Xmas3 Christmas tree is the work of Slovenian designer Rada Kos and is made in harmony with nature and with responsibility towards the environment, tradition and artisans. Xmas3 is distinguished by its simple, unique, innovative and modern design, Slovenian wood from controlled felling, manual production and the fact that the product environmentally friendly.

The surface of the tree is treated so that it pleasant to the touch. It has no metal or plastic parts, all the trees are coated by hand, with an environmentally and health-friendly coating. Xmas3 is international copyrighted. Due to the thoughtful design, we can decorate it according to our own taste and desires and surrender to the current inspiration or the space that surrounds us. It can be decorated minimalistically or with rich and festive luxury, differently every year, as the tree can be used every year.

This year Xmas3 was joined by festive decorations Xmas  sinfully sweet gingerbread, which is made by hand, according to the traditional recipe of our grandmothers, together with the Baškovč family, seductive and elegant Idrija lace, natural clay and blown glass, made by Slovenian artist Barbara Germ. Every decoration respects the Slovenian tradition, they are made by hand, from natural materials and are health-friendly.

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