
Tina Maze got her own fairy tale - Tina and the Bear Power

Tina Maze: Tina and the Bear Power

Tina Maze is a woman of many talents. The Queen of the White Cliffs has now become a fairy-tale heroine in the picture book Tina and the Bear's Power, written by the renowned youth and children's writer Primož Suhadolčan and illustrated by Gorazd Vahen. The tale contains autobiographical elements and Tina's address to young readers.

Tina Maze she wrote a fairy tale on white slopes, and now she writes a fairy tale on white paper in a picture book Tina and bear power (publishing house DZS). Such as Peter Prevc she is a role model for many young people (and older people), and her path to success can serve as a motivation for many to achieve their own goals. Tina prepared the book together with a Carinthian writer Primož Suhodolčani, and he contributed the illustrations Gorazd Vahen. In addition to her life story, she also "resigned" (this was not her habit on the ski resort). personal and sincere address to young people readers on their way to making their dreams come true.

READ MORE: All the victories of Tina Maze until the 2015 World Cup in Alpine skiing

Tina Maze announced the news like this on Twitter.
Tina Maze announced the news like this on Twitter.

Although s Tina associated unrepeatable successes, and this is above all a story of hard work, overcoming obstacles, family, happiness, joy, encouragement and support. The picture book, in which we will be able to consume the strength, dedication, fighting spirit and will of Tina Maze even through the fairy tale, will soon hit the shelves.

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