
Tinder Stacks: The app that helps you make decisions about… anything

Tinder Stacks Mobile App

Tinder, a mobile dating app, is characterized by selecting people based on swiping right or left on the screen. Now Tinder is expanding this feature to other aspects of life, not just finding a suitable partner. Can't decide which dress or shoes to choose or which movie to watch? The mobile application Tinder Stacks allows you to have friends help you, who vote for the option simply by swiping right or left across the screen.

Have you heard of mobile application Tinder Stacks? Tider goes out into the world beyond dating sites. His is now universally recognizable slide to the left or right, which let us know whether we liked the person in the photo or not, applied to other things we face in life. Instead of people, they will now be able to see themselves in the photo dress, shoes, movie, food, selfie or something else. We have to make many decisions every day, some of which are easier to make, while others are more difficult. If you are ever in doubt and making decisions causes you unnecessary stress, you can now make decisions friends come to help.

Tinder is moving away from the dating app with the Tinder Stacks voting app. Now you can vote on anything.
Tinder is moving away from dating apps with voting app Tinder Stacks. Now you can vote on anything.

Tinder Stacks available for iMessage (this was recently integrated into iOS 10 operating system), therefore Apple's do for messaging, which allows messaging between her devices (don't worry, Tinder into it does not try to force pairing), allows you to vote on photos, be it a selfie, a photo of a car, an outfit, a photo filter, etc. You can also vote for what would you like to eat for lunch or which movie? to see at the cinema on Saturday night. Your iMassage friends will be on a special receiving page, photo album, see photos you've shared, and swipe left or right on the screen voted thus helping the author to make a decision (the user will be informed about the choice of friends).

READ MORE: Dvel - Can't make up your mind? Let the app help you choose!

Tinder Stacks is an app within an app, because you need it Tinder, and you activate it within iMessag. If you tend to be indecisive and put a lot on the opinion of friends, this app is made for you.

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