
Tips to follow if you want to lose weight

In many cases, New Year's resolutions include losing weight or getting in better shape. For all those of you who will take on this project in 2018, we have prepared some supporting points that can help you along the way. The tips you need to follow if you want to lose weight will make your journey to the desired figure easier.

Tips to follow if you want to lose weight:

Set realistic goals.

Even if you ultimately want to lose 20 kg, set a realistic goal to begin with. This way you will reach it more easily, which will give you a new impetus for further fighting. After reaching the goal, he also treats himself to a small reward: perhaps in the form of a new sweater, his favorite chocolate or a visit to the theater.

Make a plan.

To avoid temptation, make a plan that should not be so strict that you cannot stick to it. Before breakfast, it is good to take some time to set more detailed goals for the day and follow them.

Don't skip breakfast.

Never skip breakfast. In this case, you will be so hungry by lunchtime that you will definitely eat too much and unhealthily. Breakfast should be plentiful, but healthy.

Don't skip a healthy breakfast
Don't skip a healthy breakfast

Don't forget the fiber.

Foods that contain a lot of fiber are the best friends of weight loss. When hunger strikes, eat a piece of fruit or sliced vegetables instead of chips. This will satisfy the feeling of hunger without affecting your weight.

Give up liquid calories.

Coke, sweetened coffees and thick juices are death to weight loss. Just give it up. Go for unsweetened tea, cold water with lemon or freshly squeezed orange juice.

READ MORE: What happens to our body and brain if we don't get enough sleep?

Treat yourself to lemonade instead of coke
Treat yourself to lemonade instead of coke.

Keep healthy snacks within reach.

The hardest thing is to lose weight when you're hungry. Then he quickly grabs us to eat a piece of pizza or even chocolate. When hunger strikes, resist it with healthy snacks.

He prepares as much food as possible himself.

Processed food is extremely unhealthy and high in calories. Added fats and sugars won't fill you up, but they will affect your weight. So try to prepare as much food as possible yourself. Include lots of vegetables and legumes.

Sometimes he treats himself to something unhealthy.

The key to weight loss is that it should be long-term. In order for it to be easy, you have to make sure that you don't go crazy with it. That's why every now and then you allow yourself to break your plan and eat a piece of chocolate cake or your grandmother's roast with a large piece of butter.

Treat yourself to your favorite dessert once in a while
Treat yourself to your favorite dessert once in a while.

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