
Recipe: tiramisu with mulled wine

Recipe - tiramisu with mulled wine

Combine two culinary delights in one and prepare a damn good tiramisu with mulled wine. Forget the taste of coffee, it's time for wine!

Can it get any better than tiramisu? Yes, tiramisu with mulled wine! We have already learned how to prepare the latter (the best recipe for mulled wine), we also know how to prepare classic tiramisu, i.e. the one with the taste of coffee, but this time let's see how this one is two culinary treats combine into one to get dessert, which you will wish you never ran out of.

READ MORE: Recipe: strawberry tiramisu

Treat yourself to a slightly different tiramisu.
Treat yourself to a slightly different tiramisu.

Recipe for tiramisu with mulled wine:

Ingredients - tiramisu with mulled wine:

  • 250 g of mascarpone
  • 2 eggs
  • 100 g of sugar
  • 150 ml of mulled wine
  • cookies (Bebe, Spekulas...)
  • pinch of cinnamon (optional)

The process of preparing tiramisu with mulled wine:
First, separate the whites and yolks. Add half of the sugar to the egg whites and beat until stiff. Add the rest of the sugar to the yolk and mix until foamy. Add the mascarpone and carefully add the snow at the end. Fill the cream into a piping bag and squeeze one layer into the glass. Then pour the boiled wine into the container and soak the pieces of cookies in it. For one layer, fold them over the mascarpone cream. Layer cream and cookies alternately up to the top of the glass. Let's finish with the cream. Before serving the tiramisu, place it in the refrigerator for a few hours. Just before eating, sprinkle it with a little cinnamon. Have a good run!

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