
Changing tires 2020: when should we change tires this year (summer and winter)?

When is the 2020 tire change or when should we change tires (summer and winter)? It is actually a current topic, but one that comes up among drivers at least twice a year. The law states that winter equipment is mandatory from November 15 to March 15. But why might it not be wise to change the tires already on March 15 in 2020?

When is the 2020 tire change or when should we change tires (summer and winter)?

When answering when it's her turn changing winter tires 2020 respectively change of annual tires 2020, can help us already Act on Road Traffic Safety, which states in Article 114 that winter equipment mandatory from November 15 to March 15 or during winter conditions. Winter conditions are on the road or part of it when when the snow sticks to the roadway during snowfall or when the roadway is covered with snow, ice (ice sheets) or ice (ice). But why maybe only not good, in order to change the tires already March 15?

The first tire change of 2020 is on March 15. But what if we get a whiff of snow? Or if we are going abroad?
The first tire change of 2020 is on March 15. But what if we are surprised by snow? Or if we are going abroad?

Changing summer tires for winter tires is not a dilemma, they must be on the car no later than November 15, if of course we don't have one in the car snowy chain. Changing winter tires for summer tires can take a little longer wait, especially if we intend to abroad.

In some neighboring countries, the use of winter equipment is mandatory for a long time as in Slovenia. On Croatia on certain highways and national roads, vehicles must be equipped with winter equipment from November 15 until April 15. V Austria winter equipment is mandatory between November 1 and April 15, but only during winter driving conditions. It is similar in Italy, except that each one there region she herself decides about temporal duration use of winter equipment.

Anyway let's not forget, every year us ′surprise′ snow, and if we wait a bit to change the tires, it won't happen to us. In addition, we will change the tires later avoided the biggest crowded in repair shops.

So, don't forget. Changing tires or tires 2020 is as follows: winter tires we will be for summer tires changed on March 15, and we will return the car to winter tires shoes on November 15th!

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