
I'm tired of waiting!

I don't want anymore - maybe!

Photo: Jernej Graj / Unsplash

I won't wait for you to answer my messages anymore. I'm not going to look at my phone anymore and wait for you to answer. If you don't want to talk, I won't force you. I can't force you.

I will not send you a backup message again in case you did not receive the first one. I know you are.

I'm not going to bother you anymore about why you don't answer. She will accept it and move on with her life. I know I should have stopped this carousel of emotions a long time ago, but I didn't know how to get out of the vicious circle of thoughts that said send, send, send.

I wonder why? It was immediately clear that you were ignoring me. Why did I think my words would lure you out of the den of ignorance.

I have enough other thoughts on my mind. I don't have time to think about why you ignored me.
Now that I finally see the real picture, I see my mistakes.

I see I've been adjusting to you. When you called, I instantly changed my plans and commitments just to be with you. You never were.

Now I know I should have turned you down if I had a busy day. I wouldn't try so hard to make time for you anymore. Especially since you ended up canceling plans several times. I won't give you another chance to disappoint me.

I don't want to think about you anymore! Photo: Pars Sahin / Unsplash

I will stop playing your mind games. You probably won't understand anything, because you are used to getting everything you want from me without offering anything in return. Stop. Be with me or leave.

I finally got over the feeling that there was something wrong with me because you had been ignoring me lately. You keep coming back. Over and over to fill your ego.

I will not dwell on the thought of you again, for you have never shown an iota of gratitude that we are, whatever we were. I want to be with people who encourage me, not put me down.

I will no longer settle for less than I deserve. I don't want to maybe. I don't want to hear excuses. We're either together or we're not. There is no middle way.

Show your feelings or watch me walk away. I have no more patience to figure out what you want from me. I don't want to play mind reader. I will no longer be a backup. I will no longer be second fiddle.

You know where I am, what I feel, who I am. There is nothing else I can tell you or give you. I'm finally free!

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