
TL3 Racing Simulator – the ultimate driving simulator created in collaboration with the F1 team

TL3 - a professional driving simulator that is second to none

5 years of research, cooperation with the Formula 1 team and the result is in front of you. Driving simulator TL3 Racing Simulator, which literally makes playing racing simulations on Playstation and Xbox consoles funny. Would you like to drive a Porsche, a Formula 1 tank or any other vehicle that you can only dream of in real life? In the simulator with three projectors, you will feel as if you are living this dream.

TL3 Racing Simulator offers the most realistic and elaborate driving simulation until now. The driver's cabin allows you to have different driving positions, 200 degree view with 6 million pixels (resolution 5760 x 1080 pixels) 2.1 meters high, which puts you in the center of the action and so far enriches the user experience of the simulation.

READ MORE: McLaren F1 GTR vs McLaren P1 GTR

TL3 Racing simulator is specially made for personal computers (consoles must be wiped under their noses for a change) that only need the TL3 Racing software installed. The shell is equipped with three projectors with pedals and steering wheel, and is available in five different colors. Everything is great, the only thing that hurts is the price, which is almost 50 thousand euros.

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