
To a flat stomach in 60 seconds: this is the most effective simple abdominal exercise

Photo: Envato

Don't have time to exercise and would like to include more sports in your everyday life? This exercise only takes 60 seconds to do every day. And not only does it help you get a flat stomach quickly, it also strengthens your back.

A flat and firm tummy is definitely something that many women especially long for. If you don't have a solid workout routine and don't even stick to your resolutions to do something for yourself, maybe this exercise is the way to make sure flat stomach.

The purpose of this simple exercise is strengthen the trunk, in order to provide healthy support to the internal organs and increase body stability. In addition, regular exercise can strengthen the abdominal muscles and thus ensure a flat stomach. This exercise is also suitable for supporting the back and strengthening the pelvic area.

Excessive execution of the exercise

1. Raise your arms and bend them behind your neck, similar to doing sit-ups.

2. Then inhale as deeply as possible. You should feel air deep in your lungs.

3. Pull your stomach inward as hard as you can. Pay special attention to the lower abdomen. Continue to hold the air in to create a sort of vacuum.

4. Hold this position for 5-10 seconds, then exhale. Repeat the exercise six times.

For example, you can perform this simple exercise right after getting up in the morning, during your lunch break or even in the shower. If you do this every day and combine it with more intense exercise and a healthy diet, after a short time you will see how your posture improves and your lower back strengthens - and of course you will be happy with a flat stomach.


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