
To err is human: mistakes don't define you, they're just a part of life

Photo: Andrej Lisakov / Unsplash

You're only human. You are imperfect. In life, you will face pain, failure, brokenness - and none of this will become your identity.

Mistakes don't define you. They are a part of you, but they are never what defines you. It's time to understand that you are not always the same person you were when you made your past mistakes. It's time to realize that they helped you grow and you learned something from them.

It's time to understand that they are what shaped you into who you are today. It's time to admit them and face them. It's time not to avoid or deny them. It's time to start owning them and use them to improve yourself.

No one expects you to be flawless; you never will. Accept the fact that you might screw things up every now and then. That you won't always fulfill the expectations you set for yourself or act the way you planned in your mind.

Things don't always go according to your plan and that's part of life. It's part of the journey you have to come to terms with.

Imperfection is not a mark of who you are.

Mistakes help you become a better person! Photo: JD Chow/Unsplash

You will fall from time to time. Life will not be good or bad. You will not always choose the right path, the right person. You will not always be confident, willing or able to do what is expected of you.

Mistakes are challenges, roadblocks to be overcome. Mistakes are places where you can reassess and restart. Mistakes motivate you to learn more about yourself.

Mistakes are ways you grow, change, and become a stronger version of yourself. They are not labels; they are markers of moments in time that you will overcome - not who you are.

Life is too short to spend most of your time putting something away - things, emotions, life.

Accept the fact that you are not perfect. You will be hurt, you will hurt other people, and you will not be able to please everyone. You will make mistakes.

It's true, you're not perfect. You are imperfect. You are what you are. You are happy in your imperfection with all your faults.

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