
In memory of base jumping legend Dean Potter - film screening

Dean Potter - screening of films in the City Cinema of Domžale

As a tribute to the recently tragically deceased sports artist Dean Potter, the Association for Mountain Culture and the City Cinema of Domžale are preparing a film evening dedicated to this adventurer, acrobat, world record holder, inventor of new styles, legend of base jumping, and we could go on and on. The city cinema of Domžale will show an archival video collage of his visit to Slovenia, a short film about tightrope walking, Tightrope walker in the moonlight, and the films When Dogs Fly and Fly or Die.

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Domžale city cinema
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Dean Potter he died while doing what he loves most. By flying and pushing the limits of the possible. No, because he would be arrogant like Icarus and fly too high, but he was close to making it happen man's dream of flying. He knew what he was getting into, but that didn't stop him from going on unguarded rope walks over canyons, climbing extremely difficult routes and performing daring base jumps.

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Dean Potter was a base jumping legend.
Dean Potter was a base jumping legend.

His love for flying has accompanied him since he was two years old. Four years before he took it accidental jump in Yosemite Potter was a guest 5th Domžale mountain film festival, where he presented himself in (moving) pictures and words, and he also gave a lecture in Cankarjev dom. In Slovenia, he completed the base jump from Mojstrovka, which will be played in addition to other highlights from our logos June 3, 2015 at 8:30 p.m in the Domžale City Cinema, and it will follow that screening of three films, who have already toured the mountain film festival and with Dean in the lead role. It's about movies A tightrope walker in the moonlight directed by Mikey Schaefer, When dogs fly, directed by Potter himself and Fly or die By Peter Mortimer and Nick Rosen.

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