
To whom did the founder of Corona leave his fortune?

What will you leave to your loved ones when you pass to the afterlife? A photo, a precious family watch, a ring? A few million euros? Well, that's exactly what Corona beer founder Antonio Fernández left to the 80 residents of a small Spanish village when he died this August at the age of 98.

80 inhabitants of the village Cerezales del Condado in the north-west of Spain, his hometown Antonio Fernández, the founder of Corona beer, inherited the car around 200 million euros, which Antonio earned between 1991 and 1997, when he sat in the presidential chair of the Corona brand. This means that every villager will pocket the money an enviable good two million euros. Antonio started working for the Grupo Modelo brewery in 1949, when he moved to Mexico.

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Benefactor Antonio Fernández
Benefactor Antonio Fernández

One of the lucky few Maximino Sanchez, who owns the only bar in the village, told the newspaper Diario de León: "We never had any money. I don't know what we would do without Antonio.”
This is not the only 'extreme' an act of kindness of the late Fernández. He founded a company in the province of León, where he provided jobs for people with special needs and did the same in the Mexican state Puebla.
So if you ever needed an excuse to crack open a Corona, now is undoubtedly yours. And don't forget to toast Antonio Fernández, absolute legends.

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