

In the case of the Japanese production Tobari, we are first reminded of a scene consisting of a horizon covered with 6,600 shining stars and a floor on which 2,200 stars are glittering, illustrating the summer night sky over Japan. Moving on, we are captivated by the movement, as dancers, warriors move across the scene in complete concentration...

Important information
SNG Maribor Great Hall, Slovenska ulica 27, Maribor
Facebook event
Entrance fee
from 10 to 17 euros

In the case of the Japanese production Tobari, we are first reminded of a scene consisting of a horizon covered with 6,600 shining stars and a floor on which 2,200 stars are glittering, illustrating the summer night sky over Japan. In the following, we are captivated by the movement, as dancers, warriors of beauty, move across the stage in perfect concentration. After the performance ends, the fascination with Amagatsu's idea of happiness and sadness, light and darkness, life and death accompanies us for some time in reality. 

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