
Today is World Nutella Day!


Did you know that today is World Nutella Day? On February 5, 2016, Nutella's holiday blew out its tenth candle. This delicious chocolate-hazelnut cream got its day in 2007, and its ardent fans take it very seriously, posting themed photos, songs, recipes and other ways to show their love for it on social networks. How will you celebrate World Nutella Day?

February 5 by now it's stuck in all of our heads as World Nutella Day. In 2016, this holiday was already completed 10 years. Nutella however, she started her journey much earlier, a long time ago in 1951, then still as Super cream. It arose out of the desire for an affordable alternative to chocolate, which was a luxury good at the time. Nutella as a name first appeared in 1964.

READ MORE: Recipe: Nutella cheesecake without baking

Love for Nutella reigns among young and old.
Love for Nutella reigns among young and old.

And how you can celebrate World Nutella Day? You can prepare something that contains Nutella, you can write a poem about it, enjoy Nutella in an interesting location, take a photo with Nutella, it can serve as an artistic inspiration, you can relive your first Nutella experience, give the spread to a loved one or someone who hasn't tried it yet, and most importantly, share your love for Nutella on social networks.

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