
Tokyo Saryo – an extremely minimalist bar that is the first in the world to serve "drip" tea

Tokyo Saryo

After "drip" coffee has already made a name for itself in bars around the world, this way of preparing tea is now moving into bars. Otherwise, it is a proven method among tea lovers, and the newly opened and extremely minimalist Tokyo Saryo bar is said to be the first bar in the world that serves tea in this way.

All passionate tea drinkers you probably know"drip" tea, a preparation method where the tea slowly drips through a filter. A similar method of preparation is also used for coffee and is in the last period a real hit. It is also served in restaurants with Michelin stars.

READ MORE: The most imaginative tea bags

Drip tea is making its way to the fore.
"Drip" tea is making its way to the fore.

The first "drip" tea, too third generation tea, served in a new Tokyo bar Tokyo Saryo, which is designed in an extremely minimalistic way. The tea is made in a special machine with a ceramic funnel, in which hot water is poured over the tea leaves, which is then slowly dripping into the cup.

Gallery - Tokyo Saryo restaurant:

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