Despite the fact that it is often mistakenly classified as a vegetable, the tomato is a fruit. What else can we say? There are said to be around 7,500 different variations of the tomato. Its use is most widespread in Mediterranean, especially Italian cuisine. Tomatoes can be eaten raw or...
Despite the fact that it is often mistakenly classified as a vegetable, tomato is a fruit.
What else can we say?
There are said to be around 7,500 different variations of the tomato. Its use is most widespread in Mediterranean, especially Italian cuisine. Tomatoes can be consumed raw or cooked, as juice, in salads, cold or warm soups, various sauces for pasta or pizza, they can be grilled or whole in the oven together with fish or roast, they can be dried and used dried for various spreads or side dishes... It is best if fresh tomatoes are also used in cooking, and the acid is suppressed with a little added sugar. If we have too many tomatoes in the summer months, they can be frozen (whole, sliced or pureed). For cooked tomato puree, tomato soup, ... first, boil whole tomatoes in boiling water for about 20 minutes to remove the skin more easily. Mash the peeled ones with a fork (if you want larger pieces) or through a strainer (if you want a thick paste). Tomatoes can be stuffed in the same way as peppers, but they can also be stuffed raw with various fillings (cheese, tuna, egg...). Tomatoes should never be cooked in an aluminum container, as their high acid content will react with the metal, allowing the aluminum to pass into the food. We must also pay attention to the fact that the acid they contain affects the cooking process of the other ingredients. If, for example, we cook beans together with tomatoes, they will take about 20 percent longer to cook than otherwise.
Some specialties
San Marzano is a special type of elongated tomato, considered by many world-renowned chefs to be the best tomato in the world. The fruits are narrower, slightly pointed, fleshy and with fewer seeds. They are sweeter and less acidic. They have a very thin skin that practically dissolves during cooking and mixes with the tomato core, which creates a unique taste. In 1770, the first San Marzana seed arrived in Campagna as a gift from the king of Peru to the king of Naples. Our San Marzano tomato is available in the online store as Il Miracolo di San Gennaro. Tomatoes are grown and processed by Mr. Sabato, who does not use chemicals during cultivation, but rather follows crop rotation. Tomatoes are harvested and processed by hand. San Marzano tomatoes are picked only when they are fully ripe, they are watered extremely little in the last 15 days before harvesting, and they are picked at their ripest time, namely in the evening, at sunset. The next specialty is the tomato of the rare variety Pull, which is available in the aforementioned online store under the name Terra, Amore e Fantasia. This type of tomato produces very little fruit, the fruit is rich in flavor and develops sweetness and a hint of basil. They are produced in limited quantities and picked by hand only during 15 days in August. The Piennolo tomato is a cherry tomato that got its name from the tradition from Vesuvius, where they weave cherry tomato thrushes on a piece of rope to make a large bouquet and hang it in a dry and airy place. In the following months, the tomatoes are plucked from the bunch, which retain moisture with their thick skin and thus can stay fresh even through the winter.