
Movie trailer: Tomorrowland - Tomorrowland

Brad Bird, who last wielded the director's baton in the film Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol, and before that the "kitchen" in the family animated cartoon Ratatouille, returns with the fantasy adventure film Tomorrowland or. The land of tomorrow, where for the first time the "doctors" George Clooney (Dr. Ross from Emergency) and Hugh Laurie (Dr. House from Doctor's conscience) appear together, but they wear white coats not as a doctor but as a scientist.

Oscar-winning director Brad Bird brings to the movie screens the hunt for a fantasy world, where everything is possible, but where a rabbit hole and a magic potion as in Alice in Wonderland or a wardrobe as in Narnia do not lead, but mystery buckle, who unexpectedly arrives at a curious girl and who (Brit Robertson) at the touch, as if flipping a switch, from reality to the mysterious city of Tomorrowland, otherwise lost in space and time. The two geniuses but disappointed are trying to find it again the inventor and young, immature scientist. Of course, the price of search is high.

READ MORE: Movie trailer: American Sniper

Magic clasp.
Magic clasp.

Info Box

A fantasy adventure
The land of tomorrow
(Tomorrowland USA, 2015)
Director: Brad Bird. They play: George Clooney, Hugh Laurie, Britt Robertson, Raffey Cassidy, Tim McGraw, Judy Greer, Kathryn Hahn, Keegan-Michael Key, Thomas Robinson.

In Slovenian cinemas May 2015.

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