
Tony Cetinski

Nepozabno glasbeno doživetje! Priljubljeni hrvaški pevec, ki bo prvič nastopil v prekrasnem ambientu Starega gradu Celje, obljublja odličen koncert, na katerem boste lahko uživali ob poslušanju pesmi kot so Tvoje tijelo, Ja sam zaljubljen, 23 prosinac, Zbog nje, Umirem sto puta dnevno … Večer, ki ga ...

Important information
Celje Old Castle, Celje
Facebook event
Entrance fee
22 euros.

An unforgettable musical experience!

The popular Croatian singer, who will be performing for the first time in the beautiful surroundings of the Old Castle of Celje, promises a great concert where you can enjoy listening to songs such as Tvoje tijelo, Ja sam služen, 23 dozerinac, Zboj nje, I die a hundred times a day... An evening that it is simply not to be missed.

Ticket price: 22 EUR.
Advance sales and ticket sales: TIC Celje, Krekov trg 3,
phone: 03 42 87 936, 03 49 25 081, e-mail: tic@celje.si, Eventim points of sale in Slovenia and one hour before the concert at the Old Castle of Celje.

In case of bad weather, the event will be held in Celjski dom.
Celeia Institute Celje in cooperation with Idejaideja doo


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