
Shoes too small? Increase them with these simple tricks!

What to do if the shoes are too small?

Finding the right shoe size can be as difficult as the prince's search for Cinderella. The same shoe numbers differ from brand to brand (a Nike sneaker with number 42 is more like number 41 at Adidas), so you can save money quickly. There are many variables at play when buying shoes, and when you finally find the right ones, you later realize you bought too small! Nothing tragic, because there is a solution for this. Seven tricks, to be exact, that can make your shoes/sneakers look (slightly) bigger.

So. You found it dream shoes or Sneakers. Which in itself is a great achievement, because they have to "come together" appearance, quality and somehow size. You try them on in the store and they seem okay, but later it turns out you are bought too small. Disaster!

READ MORE: Ajust service - try on a shoe online and order the right size 100%

What to do if the shoes are too small? Use a hair dryer.
What to do if the shoes are too small? Use a hair dryer.

No more if you learn the following seven tricks with which they can you simply increase. You will need a plastic bag, water, a wooden shoe stretcher, a hair dryer and thick socks (not all at once), and one method also includes dance moves (no dance knowledge required). Find out what and how in the video.

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