
Tooth extraction by helicopter

Tooth extraction by helicopter

Do you still remember when our parents used to pull out our milk teeth with a hook and thread? You probably already know that this technique, which is as old as a doorknob, has been forgotten and that today children are pulling loose baby teeth with drones. But this kid went one step further. His father, Rick Raihm, is a helicopter pilot and helped his son pull a tooth from a helicopter. Good thing he didn't pull out his head in addition to his tooth!

Tooth extraction by helicopter? Yes, a baby tooth can be extracted that way too! For every problem there is a solution. And for every problem there is also a stupid solution. Pulling a tooth by helicopter falls more into the latter category, although father and son are to be congratulated for their creativity. Is it about courage or madness, but judge for yourself.

READ MORE: These people have the most bizarre addictions in the world!

How did you pull out your loose tooth?
How did you pull out your loose tooth?

You can also find many videos on YouTube that show how children are they pull teeth with a drone.

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