
Top 7: accessories for record lovers

If you are one of those people who reawaken nostalgia in their home with gramophone records, we have good news for you. We reveal to you the gadgets that will help you experience sound like never before.

Which 7 accessories will help keep your turntable shining brightly when playing music?

A brush

A brush.
A brush.

For the brush Boundless, which will take care of the cleanliness of your plate, you won't have to spend a lot of money. With its bristles made of antistatic carbon fibers, it will perfectly adapt to the surface and clean dirt and dust.



Paper covers are not the best defense against static and dust in the long run. This does not apply to the cover Original Master Recording. It is made of a three-layer material that will perfectly protect the panel.



In order for a vinyl record to produce sound, it must spin on a platter. However, since rotation causes vibrations that have a negative effect on sound quality, a weight will come to your aid BigBen. The device, which you place in the middle of the plate, maintains the pressure between the plate and the tray.



ONZOW ZeroDust will keep your turntable needle clean at all times. In this way, its life will be extended, and you will be able to enjoy exceptional sound quality.

Tray stand

Tray base.
Tray base.

Albums are very sensitive because they produce music according to the notches on their surface. In most cases, they are double-sided, which means that their bottom side lies on the tray when played. Thanks to the gentle base Pro-Ject Leather It the number of vibrations will be significantly reduced.

Cleaning system

Cleaning system.
Cleaning system.

If you are tinkering with older panels, the brush will not come in handy. The notches will be able to be cleaned with the system Spin-Clear Record, which consists of a sink, cleaning liquid, brushes, rollers and cloths.

Electrical conductor

Electrical conductor.
Electrical conductor.

A cleaned board, supplemented with various accessories, will transmit quality sound to the speakers only if you get yourself a suitable sound transmission guide. Kimber Kable ensures that your speakers will deliver the clearest music possible.

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