
Top 8 movies coming to cinemas in September 2017!

Here is the film autumn, which usually serves the highlights of the year. Let's take a look at which films will surely convince us in September and the beginning of October.

V film autumn 2017 diverse genres and excellent casts await us. We will see some "remake" from half-past film history, and some film festival winner in Cannes.

1. Mother! (Mother!)

This coming fall, director, screenwriter and producer Darren Aronofsky returns with the horror film Mother!, in which a love relationship is put to the test. When uninvited guests enter the couple's home and threaten their peaceful life, strange events ensue. Oscar winners Jennifer Lawrence and Javier Bardem will star as a couple, and Michelle Pfeiffer and Ed Harris will take care of the creepy plot in this psychological thriller about love, devotion and sacrifice.

In the cinema from September 28, 2017

2. Exterminator 2049 (Blade Runner 2049)

The Exterminator (Blade Runner, 1982) is considered one of the best science fiction films of all time, as it had a huge influence on later representatives of the genre. Twenty-five years later, we return to the futuristic world, but this time with a new replicant hunter, who will be portrayed by Ryan Gosling. Harrison Ford is also returning, and the camera crew is even more promising, as Canadian Denis Villeneuve, who has some great films behind him such as Prisoners (2012) and Arrival (2016), has taken over the direction.

In the cinema from 5 October 2017

3. Tracks in the Snow (Wind River)

In September, we will go to remote Alaska, where we will investigate a mysterious murder on an Indian reservation. In the film Tracks in the Snow (Wind River), stars Jeremy Renner, who already shone in the film The Hurt Locker (2008), and Elizabeth Olsen, the sister of the even more famous Olsen twins from the series Full House, will star in the lead roles. House, 1987–1995). Otherwise, it is the directorial debut of Taylor Sheridan, who took care of the scripts for the excellent thrillers Sicario (2015) and At any cost (Hell or High Water, 2016).

In the cinema from September 21, 2017

4. The Square

Already in September, this year's winner of the prestigious film festival in Cannes is coming to our cinemas. It is the film Kvadrat (The Square, 2017) by Swedish director Ruben Östlund, who already impressed the audience with his previous film Force Majeure (2014). This time he prepared a social satire where the head of an art museum prepares an experiment to remind people of their responsibility towards their fellow man. But the experiment achieves unexpected results, which also have their own consequences.

In the cinema from September 20, 2017

5. The Snowman

In autumn, the thriller Snežak (The Snowman) awaits us with its creepy story, which announces that creepy things have been happening in the city for decades. We will meet detective Harry Hall, who appears as the main character in many novels by one of the most successful and world-famous Norwegian writers, Jo Nesbø.

In the cinema from 12 October 2017

6. Kingsman: The Golden Circle (Kingsman: The Golden Circle)

In 2015, many were surprised by an excellent action satire on spy movies called Kingsman. The film, based on the comic book series of the same name, is getting a sequel this year, which seems to be even more fun than its predecessor. Also in the second part, we will follow the secret missions of the young spy Eggsy, who will again be portrayed by Taron Egerton, the discovery of the first film, and among the actors we can also find Colin Firth, Channing Tatum and Jeff Bridges. So we are in for an adventure in the style of Roger Moore's Bonds.

In the cinema from September 21, 2017

7. Thor: Ragnarok

The Asgardian faces a tense battle against time, as he will have to protect his homeland from Ragnarok - the end of the world that the enemy Hela wants to bring about. The film will be directed by New Zealander Taika Waititi, who in recent years made two indie hits, Hunt for the Wilderpeople (2016) and What We Do in the Shadows (2014). During filming, he had the opportunity to work with an extremely diverse cast, as we will be able to see Jeff Goldblum, Cate Blanchett, Tessa Thompson and the returning Tom Hiddleston, Anthony Hopkins and Idris Elba in the film.

In the cinema from 26 October 2017

8. That (It)

We will also see the long-awaited adaptation of Stephen King's book called It. This has been in preparation for a long time, and after the change of the main actor and director, the studio Warner Bros. just managed to start the production and so we will be able to see the film already this year. In the role of the famous clown Pennywis, we will see Bill Skarsgård, the son of the more famous Swedish actor Stellan Skarsgård. Namely, Pennywise is pure evil, which takes the form of a scary clown and already scared many in the nineties in the form of Tim Curry.

In the cinema from September 7, 2017

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