
Top ideas for spring dates in Slovenia

Dating is not only important for getting to know each other, but for the experiences a couple gets through the relationship. Regular dates can strengthen the bond between you, so it's important to be original. And we're here to make your task easier with these top ideas for spring dates in Slovenia.

If they are newly in love, they are in initial phase of getting to know each other, that's why dates are an important thing - in addition to getting to know whether you want to continue your love story, they also gain a lot of experience and a new one knowledge. Falling in love is a beautiful thing, though let your dates also have an intellectual touch, because it's the best way for them to get to know each other, are they really destined for each other?.

Before you go on a date, consider how your date should roughly go and what new things there will be heard about the place they were going to. If you lack ideas, find one in the list of top ideas for spring dates in Slovenia!

Wandering around the city they live in.

Wandering around the city they live in.
Wandering around the city they live in.

The tourist season is about to start, so it's time to spring take advantage of the nice weather and peace for a long walk around the city. You will feel relaxed in the place you are most familiar with, and it is such an environment stimulating for conversation.

While you are getting to know each other, you can enrich your date by talking about the environment in which you live and thus they show their other side. Of course, you shouldn't overdo it, because you don't want to create the feeling that you are on a tour of the city with a tourist guide!

A date like this will cost you two 0 euros.

Arboretum Volčji Potok

Spend the day in a romantic setting.
Spend the day in a romantic setting.

Even if you may not be a fan of flowers, you are floral environment very romantic. Spring has sprung and now is the perfect time to check out the daffodils and tulip collection. The Arboretum is the perfect place for couples to get to know each other because of the environment there calm and can talk in peace. You can also enjoy the view there stunning view, indulge and maybe take a step forward in your relationship, but you will certainly learn something new about botany.

A date like this will cost you two 8.50 euros per person.

Adrenaline park

An adrenaline park is a great idea for a spring date.
An adrenaline park is a great idea for a spring date.

If you like adrenaline, then it is park is a great idea for a spring date. On a date like this, you won't have much time to get to know each other, so it's good to talk while driving to the park and on the way home, and enjoy the adventure at the event itself and they learn about themselves, their limits and fears.

They choose a park that has activities that they both like because they don't want either of them to start facing their fears while the other is enjoying themselves. There are many adrenaline parks in Slovenia and you will definitely find one that it will suit you in terms of price and content.

Such a date will cost you from 35 euros per person.


Glamping is an amazing experience!
Glamping is an amazing experience!

Glamping, or a luxury holiday in nature, has completely driven people from all over the world crazy, and quite a few have emerged in Slovenia as well luxury homes in the heart of nature. After you've decided which glamping is best for you, find out about what can they do in the place where they came. If you can see interesting things in the place, of course, check them out.

Such a date will cost you from 24 euros per night per person.

Check out other top free spring date ideas.

Check out other top free spring date ideas.

Other top free spring date ideas:

  • At home, watch a movie or the funniest videos on YouTube and laugh to the point of tears.
  • They go to the flea market and see things that they may see for the first time in their lives.
  • If you like sports, then go for a hike on a nearby mountain. Take home-cooked food with you. When you get to the top, eat goodies, rest and, above all, talk a lot.
  • Play board games.
  • Organize a picnic in a park where there are not many people because you want to have peace and privacy. Prepare meals together at home and enjoy nature, food and conversation.

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