

Toshl is no longer a new thing, even less is the fresh idea of monitoring and managing one's (and family's) budget, which is why the implementation of the application with two dashes of innovation and a touch of mischievousness is all the more fortunate, which, placed in today's time of general belt-tightening, ...

Toshl is no longer a new thing, even less is the fresh idea of monitoring and managing one's (and family's) budget, which is why the implementation of the application with two dashes of innovation and a touch of mischievousness is all the more fortunate, which, placed in today's time of general belt-tightening, is becoming even more urgent. Electronic monitoring of income and spending of money is facilitated by simple and transparent graphs. The application, which turns us into a "personal e-accountant", is available for all the currently most widespread mobile platforms or phones: Android, Nokia, iPhone, BlackBerry and Windows Phone 7. The basic application is, of course, free, but Toshl Pro, which hides a management option with more costs in the binary underwear, costs about 1.50 euros per month. Let Toshl be our wallet manager!

Price: Free, available at www.toshl.com

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