Photo: AgentProvocateur

Absolutely not! These are the things you should never do to a man!

Does he expect these things from you?

In a partnership, you become a couple! But that doesn't mean you can't afford it!

We all deserve to be happy! So why should we do things that us they fill with dissatisfaction and we are unhappy because of them? Of course, every relationship is a matter of compromises and we must always be prepared for our partner to point out a thing or two that are our (bad) vices, but as long as we they accept us as we are, we need not fear. Of course, this also applies the other way around: men shouldn't change just because of their partner and do things just because she doesn't like them and they aren't good enough for her!

And what should you never do just because of your partner and his whims?

Because of a man, you must never...

… give up your goals and dreams!

Your goals and dreams are an important part of your personality, because they guide you, motivate you and make you happy. If your partner directly (or indirectly) indicates that the time to realize your dreams has long passed and that it is high time to get down to the real ground, think carefully about whether you want to be with someone who does not believe in you.

Never give up your goals and dreams just for a man!
Never give up your goals and dreams just for a man!

... to do things that do not agree with your thinking!

Never let someone make fun of you for your beliefs - you deserve respect no matter what, even if the difference between your thinking and your partner's thinking is obvious. These differences are an integral part of a couple's daily life, and you will not encounter this problem if you are in a relationship with a man who respects your thoughts.

... change your appearance if you don't want to!

He prefers brunettes, so you're thinking of dyeing your hair. He told you that you are overweight, so now you will lose weight. These are all love 'transgressions' that you must not tolerate - any change you make to your appearance should be your personal desire, not the desire of a person who thinks you are not good enough for them just the way you are.

... lower the standards!

You know what you want and need, and stick to it. Don't stay in a relationship that doesn't satisfy you. Don't settle for a man who isn't good enough for you.

Why would we persist in unhappy relationships that do not allow us to grow personally?
Why would we persist in unhappy relationships that do not allow us to grow personally?

… ignore friends!

Don't be one of those women who completely forget about your friends when a man asks - don't neglect your company and find time to hang out with them. This company was part of your life before your partner.

But in order to be able to more easily define whether the relationship is mutually happy, you can solve this test of healthy love. He prepared it dr. Gary Lewandowski, who found that an important part of love is also the feeling that we grow with it. He believes that when we fall in love, we feel so good because it is a very rapid "expansion" of the self - we feel like a new person. We believe that we can do anything and that the world is beautiful! This quiz will show not only how much we are in love, but also whether our relationship is good - is it healthy love, romance?

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