
Touch Board - when objects speak

Touch Board | The device uses capacitive sensing to transform any conductive substance into a sensor.

The London studio Bare Conductive has developed an advanced tool that turns everyday objects into interactive, responsive and above all fun creations.

Touch Board is a simple platform that will come to life switch, paper piano, alphabet letters on the wall or anything your imagination can reach.

With the help of capacitive sensing, the board can transform any conductive substance into a sensor. When we connect it to a speaker and a micro USB cable, the existing program turns touch into sound. The interaction of the conductive object with one of the 12 electrodes then triggers a recording from the inserted micro SD card via the MP3/MIDI player. Changing the sound is therefore as easy as changing the card. An almost futuristic experience of interactivity at every step.

Currently, the project is collecting funds on the website Kickstarter, where you can also find further information about the product.

 photo: Bare Conductive

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