
Tour de Fat 2015 – 16th beer and bike festival

Festival Tour de Fat 2015, a child of the American brewery New Belgium Brewing, will visit 10 American cities in 2015, where they will collect funds for local non-profit organizations and promote a sustainable form of transportation - the bicycle. Each outpost of the festival, which will take place between May 30 and October 3, 2015, will host a unique bicycle parade that will occupy the city streets and end in the city park, where the program will continue with musical and artistic performances, all will still spin around the wheel.

Important information
Various American cities
Facebook event
Entrance fee
No entrance fee

Tour de Fat 2015, 16. "beer and bike festival", is primarily aimed at raising funds for local non-profit organizations and promoting bicycles as a sustainable form of transportation. In each of the locations it will be next to traditional parades and a rich accompanying program, the challenge also takes place "car-for-bike", where the bravest visitors can they hand over their car keys and vow to visit their regular destinations by bicycle in the coming year. This kind of challenge gives the very idea of the festival an even deeper meaning. And why is the festival under the patronage of the brewery New Belgium Brewing?

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Every city has a parade that ends in a city park.
Every city has a parade that ends in a city park.

Love of bikes has deep roots in this brewery. In fact, the wheel itself was responsible for its creation (its founder, by Jeff Lebesch, he inspired trip to Belgium in 1898) and they want to share and spread this love among others. At the same time, there is also good intention. The event is intended for cycling enthusiasts, "fresh lovers", as well as those who want to rekindle the spark. Visiting the festival is free of charge, and they collect money for local non-profit organizations by selling your beer and other products. So far, they have collected almost 4 million dollars in total, 600 thousand last year alone. Would you go to the American version of the Beer and Flowers festival?

The festival celebrates the bike. Beer is secondary.
The festival celebrates the bike. Beer is secondary.

Some highlights from last year's festival:

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