
Toyota Setsuna – wooden convertible

Toyota Setsuna

The Toyota Setsuna is a concept car and an art project. The two-seater convertible mirrors the boat, but not only in shape. Most of the car is made of wood, specifically Japanese cedar (external panels) and birch (frame). It is powered by an electric motor.

Toyota Setsuna is a wooden concept that will debut at Milan Design Week next month. Instead of classic materials such as steel, aluminum and carbon fiber, it is mostly made of wood. The outer panels are made of cedar and the frame is made of birch. We are therefore talking about a wooden, no longer steel horse, which was made using a technique called couriers, which allows parts to be combined without nails and screws. More technical data will be known in the coming months.

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Toyota Setsuna
Toyota Setsuna

Toyota Setsuna (setsuna in Japanese means 'moment', and with this the designers are communicating that people share precious and fleeting moments with cars) is drivable, but admittedly it cannot take us far, as its six lead-acid batteries only offer 26 kilometers autonomy, and can speed up to 45 km/h.

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