
Tradition: Choirs

In the third week of December, tradition will come to the fore. Kamnik will be visited by three choirs between December 19 and 25, each of which makes its mark and develops folk singing in its own field. Thursday will be marked by the First Slovenian Singing Society Lira. Together with the Brinke Women's Vocal Group, they will accompany the opening...

Important information
Main square, Kamnik
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Entry is free.

In the third week of December, tradition will come to the fore. Kamnik will be visited by three choirs between December 19 and 25, each of which makes its mark and develops folk singing in its own field. Thursday will be marked by the First Slovenian Singing Society Lira. Together with the Brinke Women's Vocal Group, they will accompany the opening of the symbolic nativity scene. Cantemus and Ana Bezjak jazz visit the city center on Friday. Saturday's mood will not lag behind the previous evening, as the DKD Solidarnost Mixed Choir and the Predice Folk Singers will be guests on Main Square.

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