
Traditional party with Jinx, Dan D, CoverLover, Zlatko and Muff

Every year, the traditional New Year's party brings plenty of good music to Velenje's Red Hall, and this time will be no different. It promises to be a good party.

Important information
Red Hall, Velenje
Facebook event
Entrance fee

A varied selection of musical performers attracts a crowd of several thousand to Velenje every year, eager for good music. This time from Croatia, the super funky groovy band Jinx is coming to us with the excellent Yaya on vocals, the rockers will be impressed by Dan D from the new town, all tastes will be satisfied by the excellent "jukebox machine" of seasoned musicians CoverLover, everything will be spiced up by the rapper Zlatko, and they will take care of the pop rhythms Muff.

photo: Žiga Mihelčič

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